So The Moon Would Not Be Swallowed - Award Of Merit (2008) The Word Guild

<i>So The Moon Would Not Be Swallowed</i> - Award Of Merit (2008) The Word Guild
A poetic journey with the poet's missionary grandparents to the China they served in between 1923 and 1951. CHECK OUT THE REVIEWS OF BOTH BOOKS (below)

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Twenty four wire spokes --evenly spaced
carefully tightened --so the weight smoothly shifts
like lines of longitude spinning us through
another amazing day

Commonplace magic --is still magic
even when feet push pedals as thoughtlessly
as they step --(the arch curving as on a ladder’s
every movement as precise as fingers on keys
automatically playing a minuet

It is the mystery of physicality
the way the body accepts mechanical limbs
& the mind absorbs experience
A cyclist is a new creation
an earth-tethered bird --or waterless swimmer
making all things new

The kingdom of heaven is like a cyclist
rolling through an imbalanced world
No matter how common our perception
every spring --(our tilted axis coming around)
another child straddles the wonder
without training-wheels

(This poem first appeared in Wascana Review)