So The Moon Would Not Be Swallowed - Award Of Merit (2008) The Word Guild

<i>So The Moon Would Not Be Swallowed</i> - Award Of Merit (2008) The Word Guild
A poetic journey with the poet's missionary grandparents to the China they served in between 1923 and 1951. CHECK OUT THE REVIEWS OF BOTH BOOKS (below)

Friday, October 26, 2007


Finally --war is over
trains are running
mail’s coming through

“I cried for joy over your precious letters”
so many letters & the latest
Good Housekeeping (March 1926)

Her “most pressing need” now is help with Marie
Spend more time with your child --her reading says
Take her for walks away from the usual

But there’s so much teaching to do
& walks are taboo --The beach is horrible
with blood & memory of war

The beheaded & shot were buried in sand
but dogs will be dogs
in China as elsewhere

(This poem first appeared in Grail)